5 Tips for the BEST Grilled Vegetables

5 Tips for the BEST Grilled Vegetables

  grilled veggies

Grilling vegetables highlights their natural sugars to become sweetly smoky and caramelized. If you have a non-veggie liker, try serving them grilled veggies. They’re may be converted. 

1. Slice the vegetables the same thickness so they cook at the same rate. Aim for slices roughly between 1/3inch and 1/2 inch. Slicing the veggies too thin will make them too tender and fall apart. 

2. Put oil on the vegetables before grilling. Follow the golden rule on grilling - oil what you grill, not the grill itself. Drizzle the vegetables with your favorite oil then spread evenly with your fingers. Mushrooms will absorb oil quickly so work fast, but don’t fret too much about them. They will produce plenty of juice on their own.

3. Season simply. Sprinkle the vegetables somewhat generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. They will absorb the salt as they cook, enhancing their inherent sweetness. Feel free to add dried herbs such as oregano, mint, tarragon, basil or whatever you like.

4. Grill’em up hot. Start your veggies over medium heat, about 350 degrees or 450 degrees. Lay long slices of asparagus or carrots crosswise over the grates so they don’t fall through. Close the grill lid and cook the vegetables undisturbed, flipping after 3 – 5 minutes.

5. Close the lid. Closing the lid of your grill creates the same environment as an oven, baking the vegetables as they lightly char. Check their progress every few minutes and cook until softened and the vegetables have your preferred amount of char.